15 Jun 2023
Why are motor claims decreasing if road traffic accidents are still happening?
Despite the number of vehicles on the road now exceeding pre-pandemic levels, motor claims have decreased to their lowest on record, but the reduction in claims isn’t necessarily representative of fewer accidents happening on the road.
Although there have been some advancements in vehicle safety technology, sadly we can’t put the decline in claims down to the fact that people aren’t getting injured in RTAs. Upwards of 125,000 are reported each year, almost 27,000 of which involve serious injury, so why are fewer people making claims?
Why are fewer claims being made?
Matthew Maxwell Scott, executive director of the Association of Consumer Support Organisations, explains "citizens involved in accidents are not making claims, because it is too onerous, or because the redress available for RTA injuries is pitifully small, or there is less marketing from claimant firms.” He goes on to say, “the net impact is that victims have to live with their injuries rather than obtain justice.”
Last year we reported that smaller legal firms may be unable to take on clinical negligence cases or borderline and complex low value cases due to the government’s proposed cap on recoverable costs. If a case is worth £25,000 or less, a law firm may refuse to take it on based on the amount of work greatly outweighing the commercial payoff, leaving the claimant with little recourse for their litigation.
Essentially, trying to claim compensation for an accident or injury can be extremely costly, stressful, and time consuming which could be a huge contributing factor for record lows in terms of motor claims.
How Speed Medical can help if your client has been involved in an RTA
Our national panel of medical experts and internal teams have knowledge and experience within all aspects of personal injury, and employment law, enabling us to provide a complete range of services to assist with your case.
From medico legal reports through to physiotherapy services, diagnostics and surgical procedures, we're here to support you and your clients every step of the way.
From instruction to conclusion, we take care of every aspect of your case, allowing you the time to focus on other important areas of your caseload. Our serious injury and clinical negligence teams operate on a case handler basis, ensuring that you will always have one single point of contact regarding your case.
In addition to gathering the medical evidence necessary to your case, we will arrange any rehabilitative treatments, diagnostic investigations, and surgical procedures to aid in your clients' recovery.
Medico Legal Services
We support both claimant and defendant solicitors and understand the exacting needs of medico legal cases. We have experience and knowledge across all case types and remove the administration associated with the reporting process, allowing you to get on with what you do best.
Physiotherapy and MSK Services
With services delivered in line with your current provision we provide access to our bespoke IT platforms and portals and offer a range of integration services. We work directly with the client or via you and even offer direct access to our panel of physiotherapists so you can select your treatment provider.
By outsourcing your requirements for mental health assessments and treatment to Speed Medical, we will assist your clients in providing efficient access to the services they require.
Diagnostic and Surgical Procedures
Organising diagnostic investigations and surgical procedures can often be a protracted and complicated process. We remove all administrative requirements by managing each stage of the journey. From booking the initial investigation through to organising surgical procedures and post operative consultations, our experienced team are here to help you and your clients.
Our seamless service means there is no need to look elsewhere, and the entire case will be dealt with by us. For more information on how we can help you and your clients, please get in touch today.