16 Aug 2017
Speed Medical awarded Investors in People Gold Award
Organisations that meet the world-recognised Investors in People Standard reflect the very best in people management excellence. Recently, we were thrilled to be awarded the Investors in People Gold Award for our continuous commitment to support, lead and manage our people for sustained success.
This is the second accreditation for Speed Medical, having first received a gold award in 2014. Prior to this year’s assessment we were confident that we would be able to achieve this accreditation again and carry it through to 2020.
The gold accreditation was awarded following an extensive audit which included an online assessment completed by almost 200 members of staff and a number of one-to-one interviews carried out with selected members of staff from all departments and levels.
Based on 25 years of leading practice, the latest research and workplace trends, the Investors in People Framework is organised around nine key indicators of high performance including: leading and inspiring people, recognising and rewarding high performance and delivering continuous improvement. Each key indicator then has three underpinning themes: improving, leading and supporting.
Following the assessment, recognised areas of strength include clearly articulated vision and mission which are understood by all staff and worked towards every day as well as a strong set of values which are embedded and driven by team leaders in monthly team building exercises. Managers and team leaders are motivating and enthusiastic, very visible across the business and extremely supportive.
A number of structural changes and newly created roles throughout the business, including the introduction of a new layer of management and three new ‘heads of’, have strengthened the strategic approach of the organisation. Staff described how the changes enable them to work more effectively and efficiently within and across departments.
The final report states that ‘Staff were able to provide many examples of improvements they had made to their jobs. The first in a series of cross-organisational workshops was reported as having significant impact, empowering staff to make decisions.’
Graham Pulford, Group Managing Director comments: “We’re delighted to receive the Gold Award for the second consecutive time. It’s great to be recognised for the real investment we make in the development of our people and our inspiring approach to leadership within the business. Speed Medical is truly passionate about people progression and investment in improving staff skills which ultimately benefits our customers.”