12 Nov 2015
Rest Assured Your Clients Are Happy
Last year, at about this time, we shared with you the terrific results from our annual customer research exercise – the independently audited survey which asks over 350 of you to rate us on a wide variety of operating criteria. Overall, you were extremely satisfied with our service, especially when it came to the quality and convenience of our offering to your clients – something which drew significant praise.
It’s an area our staff pride themselves on – being empathetic and dealing with injured parties at a very human level during what can often be a very traumatic and stressful time for them. And it’s an area we know you feel is critical because a bad experience when organising a medical examination for instance can taint a client’s perceptions to the extent that they may well seek new legal representation. That’s why, this year, we decided to focus some of our research spend on finding out a little more about your clients’ experiences.
Again, after sampling hundreds of cases from the first half of 2015, we’re encouraged by their feedback and hope you will be too, as it reinforces your decisions to make us a preferred reporting partner: encouraged but not complacent. Here are the highlights. Overall, your clients’ satisfaction with Speed Medical stands at 94 percent. Of those questioned, a similar percentage told us that the venue for their medical examination was convenient - as was the date and time set for their appointments. Clients were also happy with the quality of the locations too. Some 97 percent of respondents confirmed that the appointment venues they attended appeared professional and suitable for the task. Around 93 percent of your clients also confirmed they were provided with all the relevant information prior to attending their examination. That’s good but we can do better and will be striving to improve in this area. Some 94 percent were positive about the staff here at Speed, stating that our teams were readily available to answer any queries.
Encouragingly, 96 percent of the people we spoke to were positive about the medical expert conducting the examination often describing them as professional, thorough and polite. More than nine in every ten believed that the appointments allowed sufficient time to detail their circumstances, describe their accidents and discuss their subsequent injuries and, overall, 94 percent of clients said they were either satisfied or very satisfied by the service provided by the examining expert. Some of the qualitative feedback we received was extremely positive too. It included comments such as: “Overall I found the service very efficient and stress free. I found Speed Medical very polite and understanding” and “I felt very comfortable with the Doctor who put me at ease from the start and had a great understanding of my predicament from the accident. Thank you.” We won’t be resting on our laurels though. Every year, we undertake significant research to find out where both new and longer-term customers think we can help, how you think we perform better and how your clients believe we do in serving them. The insights provided are among the most essential elements in our strategic planning.