19 Sep 2019
Meet Our Complex Case Team
From nomination to report, our Complex Case team works closely with you and your clients to make sure your case runs smoothly, tailoring the service to the unique needs of your case.
Cassandra is the Team Leader of the Complex Case team, taking care of management, workload and resource planning.
Customers who require a Serious Injury Medical Report may work with Barry, one of our dedicated Case Handlers. With a core focus on providing the most personal and efficient service to our customers and clients, Barry handles cases from instruction to completion.
Emily is one of our Complex Case team’s talented Operations Administrators. It’s her role to work closely with clients to make sure your case runs smoothly. We decided to get to know the team a little better and learn more about how they deliver service excellence at all touchpoints.
Read our interview with Cassandra, Barry and Emily below to discover more.
What’s the most rewarding area of your work?
Cassandra: The most rewarding area of my work is supporting my team’s successes and each individual team members’ progression within the company while delivering the highest quality service to our customers.
Barry: I definitely find that helping people in need gives me a good sense of pride. There is something very satisfying about working with someone who is having a hard time and helping the individual find some sense of resolution. Given some of the complex case types I work on, this is actually something I come across fairly often.
What challenges do you face and how do you overcome them?
Cassandra: The biggest challenge is managing a busy workload and maintaining the best possible service. We accomplish this by ensuring clear objectives are set and monitor the team throughout the day to ensure we are always on track.
Barry: The most common challenge I face would be the tight court deadline cases and having to source an appropriate expert who can meet the circumstances of the case. This would entail contacting the secretary of various experts to inform them of any deadlines and restrictions and seeing if their calendars can match up with this. Given that most of the complex case experts have a long waiting list and report turnaround time, this can sometimes feel like an impossible task, but as a team we work together to deliver every time.
Emily: Finding the right expert close to the client’s location can often be a challenge – that’s why we work closely with the Expert Liaison team to ensure we can locate the ideal expert in a close vicinity to the client’s location.
What made you want to get into your current area of work?
Cassandra: During my time at Speed Medical, I have worked in a number of different departments and gained extensive industry knowledge which is why I really wanted to move into a position where I could share that knowledge to build and support a strong team.
Barry: Coming from a background of working in retail, I pride myself on my customer service and thought this would be a good, transferable asset.
Emily: I like the ownership aspect of case handling.
Cassandra, can you tell us something surprising about your job?
Cassandra: On a daily basis, we see new challenges and complex cases which means I am continually expanding my knowledge and looking to create efficiencies to drive service.
What has been the best moment of your career?
Cassandra: There has certainly been a few, but the most recent would be getting the Team Leader position on the Complex Case team.
What has been your greatest personal achievement?
Cassandra: My children, Andrew and Cleo.
Barry: My two little boys – the greatest thing I’ve ever done.
Emily: My greatest personal achievement would have to be graduating from university.
Emily, would you rather have all traffic lights you approach be green or never have to stand in line again - and why?
Emily: Traffic lights - I never really go shopping so hardly ever queue.
Barry, would you rather have telepathy or telekinesis – and why?
Barry: That’s a tough one. The nosey person in me says telepathy while my lazy side thinks the idea of being able to move things with no effort would be amazing… probably telekinesis.
Cassandra, would you rather travel the world for a year on a shoestring budget or stay in only one country for a year but live in luxury - and why?
Cassandra: One country in luxury – there will always be plenty for you to explore in one country and you might as well do it in style.
Can you tell us some fun facts about yourselves?
Cassandra: I love 80s rock, I have tattoos and I love Malta.
Barry: I play guitar and bass and I trained as a Graphic Designer.
Emily: I’m a very good cook, I love gin and I can ride a horse.
Are you tea or coffee drinkers?
Emily: Coffee – and if that’s not available, wine or gin.
Cassandra: I usually prefer coffee.
Barry: Not even a question – coffee. All the coffee.
What would be the title of your autobiography?
Cassandra: That’s What She Said
Barry: Under The Hat
Emily: Food Is Life
And finally, what are the best things in life?
Emily: The best things in life are food and friends.
Barry: Family and friends – I am a big softie at heart.
Cassandra: Family and friends are the best things in life.
To learn more about our Complex Case service, please click here.