30 Nov 2021
How lockdown paved the way for remote physiotherapy sessions
During successive national lockdowns, remote physiotherapy sessions came into their own. Like a lot of other services - and our way of life more generally - possibilities which previously weren’t considered were borne out of necessity. Subsequently, new and alternative ways of working away from more familiar spaces were explored and pursued.
Amongst the many viable remote services the NHS championed was that of physiotherapy. Something which those who experienced the ‘new normal’ took a lot of positives from, and something which has therefore been rolled out more since the lifting of restrictions.
What’s more, mounting evidence points to a greater number of Covid-19 survivors requiring physiotherapy to aid their recovery. Be it administered in hospital surrounds or remotely once discharged.
Technology has put remote physiotherapy within touching distance of clients on the road to rehabilitation
The advancement and more widespread adoption of technology in physiotherapy settings has enabled remote appointments to become more a reality, and less of a virtual one. A more hands-off approach to a clinical discipline which has historically been looked upon as very much hands-on.
Yet the fact of the matter is that a practising physiotherapist doesn’t necessarily have to be in the physical company of a patient to demonstrate a range of movements which a patient should embrace to support a tailored post-incident rehabilitation programme. A rehabilitation programme which might have come following a road traffic accident your client was involved in, and which you instruct a medical reporting agency to help you with going forward.
There are various types of physiotherapy which can be planned and actioned remotely, including programmes of recovery from musculoskeletal conditions, respiratory illness, neck and back pain issues, sports injuries, and orthopaedic rehabilitation.
Remote physiotherapy here to stay
There are numerous reasons as to why clients might prefer to opt for remote physiotherapy, with work commitments, transportation problems and worries about being in a healthcare setting whilst a pandemic rumbles on are just a few of them.
Conversely, a remote consultation - and ensuing plan of rehabilitation - ticks a lot of boxes. Especially amongst individuals who could also struggle with face-to-face appointments. Opening the physiotherapy service as a workable solution during national lockdowns has paved the way for increased numbers of patients to investigate this means of recovery.
Research as to the advantages offered by remote physio is on-going, as we learn what measures and methods of delivery work best. However, one significant area of growth relating to the provision of physiotherapy is that of Covid-19, which manifests and develops as a respiratory disease for many, and where physiotherapy intervention has been successfully used to help sufferers return to full health.
Ways to connect with remote physiotherapy services
In terms of usability and ease of access, we can work with your clients once instructed to ensure that they have the means to further their rehabilitation, courtesy of our expert panel. Consultations can take place via a video link with one of our dedicated physiotherapists who can remotely illustrate movements and exercises designed especially to aid in their recovery process.
Once the physiotherapist has demonstrated the elements of a targeted programme, they can then observe how the client repeats them, to determine whether they’re performing the routines as they should, or if they require any adaptation from afar. This distance learning approach also encompasses the sharing of clinical advice and education via the same remote channels.
While remote physiotherapy isn’t altogether new, the uptake has been slow until the advent of the pandemic - and the alternate thinking it brought - shook up the more traditional playing field.
The future of remote physiotherapy with Speed Medical
From telephone consultations to Zoom calls, the future of remote physiotherapy is still well on its way to evolving further. Rapidly developing tech plays an instrumental part; Artificial Intelligence-led chatbots, and the facilitation of complex computer algorithms are all revelations taking shape, and in a post-lockdown society remote physiotherapy will continue to experience high demand.
Which is why with our wealth of experiences, we are here to help you and your client with their recovery and rehabilitation. Not only do our experts compile far-reaching medical reports on behalf of you and your clients, but we also arrange for our panel of physiotherapists to organise a recovery programme for them.
To find out more about the services we provide, get in touch with our team today.