6 Oct 2021
Getting To Know Our Clinical Negligence Team: Q&A
Here at Speed Medical, our clinical negligence team is one of the cornerstones of our business and as such it relies on - and draws from - the wealth of experience its core service delivery team collectively possesses.
From efficient and dedicated case handlers to those learned experts who comprise our panel, our clinical negligence team has been providing a peerless and hugely important function within the company since its inception, 23 years ago.
With this milestone in mind, we thought what better time to remind ourselves of the job our clinical negligence team does, and the case handlers who facilitate this key operation. By putting a few questions to those responsible for handling these cases.
Here’s what some of our team said…
Why did you choose to pursue the clinical negligence path in your career? What influenced or inspired you?
Danielle: I'd been working on the Complex Case team for 4 years and I liked the idea of a new challenge and being a dedicated case handler and I am glad I decided to make the move. The work is varied, and no two days are the same.
Lisa: I have experience across several other departments and my knowledge has really grown over the years. The team has a lovely group of people working on it and I wanted to be given the opportunity to broaden my knowledge and work with different people.
Emily: I enjoy the hands-on approach of case handling and seeing a case through from start to finish. You become invested in your clients as the case progresses and you constantly want to push to ensure things run smoothly for them.
Darryn: After spending 3 years within the personal injury sector at Speed Medical, working my way up from the initial Medco team’s GP & Orthopaedic medical reports all the way to our complex team’s specialist medical reports, a move to the clinical negligence team felt like the natural step in my career to build upon the knowledge that I have built over the past few years. Our clinical negligence team runs in a similar style to our complex team, with a much greater focus on 1-2-1 customer service, something that I had begun to relish whilst working within the complex team. The responsibility held by being a dedicated case handler is a key driving point in my working day, if my customers are happy then I’m happy and vice versa, this helps to encourage stronger working relationships and a more personal service which is something that I feel very strongly about.
Gill: Having worked at Speed Medical for over 12 years, the clinical negligence team was one that I had never dealt with or been a part of, yet always piqued my interest. When an opportunity arose for new team members I applied for the position and was successful. Clinical negligence in my opinion can be challenging at times as we're dealing with extremely complex cases, but it is also very rewarding.
Lucy: I have worked at Speed Medical for 15 years and it was 3 years ago I decided to apply for the position on the clinical negligence team. It was one of the departments I hadn’t explored in the company. I found it interesting from the outside looking in and although more complex and defined, I wanted to get involved.
What’s the most rewarding aspect of your role in the clinical negligence department, and why do you find it so personally satisfying?
Danielle: Being a case handler, I have worked with some great solicitors and medical experts and been given the opportunity to learn more from them.
Lisa: I enjoy seeing cases through from start to finish, I get a sense of pride knowing I have assisted with a case, and this has been completed to a high standard.
Emily: I personally enjoying seeing a case from start to finish and being a point of contact for the solicitors.
Gill: I enjoy the challenging, complex nature of my role and find it rewarding to be able to assist the instructing party on the more obscure expert types they ask for.
Kelly: Helping solicitors and clients reach potential settlements on cases is what is rewarding. Our reports from our experts are vital in these cases being settled. A further rewarding factor is building a working relationship with a solicitor as case handler. I find this works extremely well on our cases.
Lucy: I enjoy the relationship with the solicitors and the positive feedback which we receive, it makes you feel like you’re having an impact and that you are doing your job well.
If you weren’t working in clinical negligence, what would you be doing and where?
Danielle: If I was not working in clinical negligence, I would be a Forensic Pathologist. Most likely in London or Manchester however would never rule out working abroad.
Lisa: Having worked at Speed Medical since being 16 I would be working at Speed Medical on a different department.
Emily: I would have been a vet but unfortunately put me in an exam and my mind goes blank. Also tried to get into Genetics, got the degree but the jobs are rarer than hens’ teeth.
Darryn: If I had not recently moved to our clinical negligence team then it is likely that I would have continued to work within our personal injury teams. Before working at Speed Medical, I had worked in several different sectors from telecoms to manufacturing, however it was only when I began working at Speed Medical that I felt like a part of a community working together towards a common goal, this was a pleasant change for me and something that I will be looking for as my career progresses in the future.
Gill: I would love to be a social worker or work in youth offending.
Outside of work, what do you do to unwind?
Danielle: I love reading and spending time with family and friends. I also love travelling (when permitted) and can’t wait to go on holiday again.
Lisa: Being a mum to three girls I spend a lot of time taking them to their various activities. I like to read, catch up with friends or head to the gym.
Emily: I am a bit of a nerd and love to read. Also love cooking and eating it all afterwards, just wish someone else would do the washing up.
Darryn: My main hobbies are caring for my pet German Shepherd, cooking, and listening to music. I find all of these to be incredibly relaxing and enjoyable and aim to spend some time every day participating in each activity. I also enjoy learning to play the guitar, although I’m currently struggling to find the time to play as much as I would like, it is rewarding to see myself overcome obstacles and play parts of songs that baffled me just months ago. I’m fond of attending music events and festivals, something that I have missed out on recently due to the travel restrictions, however I have just recently attended my first event in just over 2 years and have no plans on leaving it as long until the next!
Gill: I like eating out, going for drinks, reading and foreign holidays (when we’re allowed).
Kelly: I have two children, one of whom is only 4 so unwinding doesn’t come around often. When it does, I like to socialise with friends whether it be out for a few drinks, at a friend’s house or just out for a coffee. Even just sitting down having a little bit of quiet time or watching a boxset is a good wind down.
Lucy: Look after the children, long dog walks with the family and holidays.
For more information about our clinical negligence services and details about how we can help you, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.