In mid-July, the MoJ launched a Call for Evidence as part of its planned review of the impact of the MedCo Portal. The review, which was always planned but was brought forward, is open to anyone that uses the portal and will investigate various aspects of the new system including the qualifying criteria for Medical Reporting Organisations, the impact of MedCo on medical reporting volumes, the declaration of financial links document and the number and mix of MROs resulting from a search on the platform.
We would encourage everyone to respond to the call for evidence. The MedCo system plays a pivotal part in the process of gathering evidence and therefore it is of the utmost importance that it is functional and fits within your current processes and enables you to act in your clients’ best interest. Either way, if you believe it does or doesn’t you need to let them know. You have until September 4th to submit your response to the MoJ with the Government promising to publish its findings, along with details of changes to the system, later in the autumn. To respond, click on the link below or search “MoJ call for evidence MedCo” and download the “Call for Evidence” PDF. Upon completing the document send your response by 4th September to:
Scott Tubbritt Whiplash Reform Team Ministry of Justice 4.37, 4th Floor, 102 Petty France, London, SW1H 9AJ.